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My Thoughts on World of Goo

World of Goo is an indie game developed by 2D Boy and published by Tomorrow Corporation. I first played this game back in 2008 on my Nintendo Wii, which I still have so I ended up playing it again on it. It was great to play games there again, as I had done all those years ago. It’s a fantastic puzzle game built around physics, and I’m excited to share my thoughts.

One thing I noticed right away was the aesthetic which is quite distinct and very morbid while also being cute and cartoony. It reminds me a bit of flash games I’d play back in the day, which makes sense since it released around that time. Everything in this game is dark, but still made me laugh, as the game has a dark sense of humor that I didn’t get when I played it as a kid. It’s truly something unique which you’ll have to see for yourself.

Another thing I noticed about this game was that the controls on the Wii version were superb! Pointing, clicking and dragging felt very natural, as this game was designed with the Wii in-mind.

The gameplay involves the player building structures with the goo balls to lead them to a pipe at the end of the level, and over time the puzzles become more and more complex. As you do this, a fascinating story unfolds, which I won’t spoil here but it turns in some interesting directions.

To conclude, World of Goo is an amazing game which I’m glad I revisited. Everything from the gameplay to the aesthetics reminds me of a simpler time when I played random WiiWare games all those years ago, and coming back to World of Goo allowed me to experience that joy once again.


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